3 Ways to Practice More Empowered Dating

We all know that there are self-care practices and understandings that help us become better daters. However, there are a lot of mixed messages and, in my opinion, un-useful clichés about personal self-care and dating that aren’t helping anyone. For instance, what does it mean to “love yourself first”?.....

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3 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Empowered Dating

Empowered dating starts with an empowered you. Don’t know where to start? Get clear and connected to these three things and you’ll be well on your way....

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Self-Compassion: The Key to Extraordinary Relationships

When I talk to my patients about self-care they often go to ideas of spa days and bubble baths. Sure, those things can be a form of self-care, however the self-care I find transformative centers around the practice of self-compassion. Now, if your next thought is associations of pity, letting yourself off the hook, anything goes, you are "Way Off Base!"....

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Know Your Story

Who wouldn’t love to know what to do with all of that interest and excitement about your future relationship before you have found the one?! Take that energy and intention and put it into understanding the basics of healthy relationships and your dating life will become more satisfying as you feel empowered and educated about the task you are undertaking....

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If The Man You Love Has These 4 Personality Traits, He's A Genuine Keeper

Do not let this man go!

Do you have a list of the qualities and characteristics you’d to find like in a man? Many women (and men) do.

However, most lists of this kind are based on personal dating preferences, so they don't necessarily take into account the specific personality traits that really matter when it in comes to determining whether or not a guy has what it takes to form happy, healthy bonds as a boyfriend or husband....

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People With These 3 Personality Traits Are The Most Likely To Be High-Functioning Sociopaths

Proceed with serious caution.

We've all had the experience of meeting someone who seems to be "off" somehow, but in a way it's extremely difficult to put a finger on.

Dating and falling in love with a person whose personality traits turn out to be so truly twisted as to raise suspicions that they might have antisocial personality disorder will leave your self-esteem and ability to trust deeply damaged, possibly even causing you to doubt your own perceptions of reality....

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Is Your Partner Treating You Like A Piece Of Meat? 5 Ways To Tell

Where is the line between healthy attraction and objectification? Know the warning signs now!

A new study shows that objectification can be linked to sexual coercion in romantic relationships. This is not surprising, for several reasons. More alarmingly, objectification is also statistically linked to sexual violence. This is also not surprising. So how do you tell the difference between objectification and healthy attraction? What are the warning signs that you would want to watch out for in a relationship or when getting to know someone? Obviously we would all like to enjoy healthy attraction and be able to separate it from unhealthy objectification with many risk factors....

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Diagnose Your Relationship Anxiety

Diagnose Your Relationship Anxiety

Most people with anxiety are keenly aware that certain relationships can either reduce or drastically increase anxiety, but do you know why? Most people react from their gut, either withdrawing or frantically seeking a relationship; both often spiral into dysfunctional patterns. With some discernment, you can learn to use anxiety as a diagnostic clue to help you navigate relationships, increase healthy connections, and leave dysfunctional ones....

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Should I Stay or Should I Go? Anxiety in Relationships

Most people with anxiety are keenly aware that certain relationships can either reduce or drastically increase anxiety, but do you know why? Most people react from their gut, either withdrawing or frantically seeking a relationship; both often spiral into dysfunctional patterns. With some discernment, you can learn to use anxiety as a diagnostic clue to help you navigate relationships, increase healthy connections, and leave dysfunctional ones.


If you have not heard of Attachment Theory, it is the scientific map of how we bond with others to increase our chances of survival!  As mammals, we quite literally depend on emotional bonds with others to survive. Scientific studies have continued to underscore that the warmth and quality of our connections is the number one factor predictive of our life quality, longevity, and is even a huge factor in financial stability.


The one principle you need to understand first is that our need for closeness in relationship is...

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